Log in to Safe Exam Browser | Moodle
Is this your first time here?
This is a Moodle demo site for Safe Exam Browser (SEB). You can try out some demonstration exams secured by SEB. There are several demo user accounts, randomly choose one of those. The password for all of these users is "demo"
seb1, seb2, seb3, seb4, seb5, seb6, seb7, seb8, seb9, seb10
The results of the exam attempts in these demo accounts will regularly be deleted and the whole site reset.
If you submit the exam, there will be a "Unlock Device/Exit" link displayed, which allows you to exit SEB/the exam session and unlock your device.
You can also use the "Quit" button in the lower right of the display to exit SEB/the exam session and unlock your device. SEB will ask for a quit/unlock password, which in a real exam only invigilators/exam supporters would know. In these demonstration settings, this password is "quit".